Page 72 - EVS Class 04
P. 72

Spoon-Shaped Beak
              A  duck  has  a  broad  and  flat  beak  to  catch

              insects and worms in muddy water. This kind of
              beak helps it to find food while digging up the
              muddy bottom of a pond.
                                                                                            Duck’s Beak

                                                     Straw-Shaped Beak

                                                     Humming  birds  have  long  and  slender  beaks

                                                     that  work  like  straws  to  suck  nectar  from

                    Humming Bird’s Beak

              Swiss Army Knife Beak

              A  crow  has  this  kind  of  beak.  It  is  a  multi-
              purpose beak used to eat fruits, seeds, insects,
              fish and other food items.

                                                                                            Crow’s Beak

                                                     Chisel-Shaped Beak

                                                     A  woodpecker has a strong, heavy and chisel-
                                                     shaped  beak.  It  catches  insects  present  in  the

                                                     tree trunk, with the help of its beak.

                     Woodpecker’s Beak

              Spear-Shaped Beak
              Pelicans  and  kingfishers  have  a  spear-shaped

              beak to catch fish.

                                                                                         Kingfisher’s Beak

                                                     Tweezer Beak

                                                     Insect-eating birds like warblers have a thin and
                                                     pointed beak to pick up grains.

                       Warbler’s Beak

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